Level 8

tier 8

Level 8 Income Weighted Commissions

Your Success is our #1 priority!

Every person you personally enroll goes to your first level of your Matrix. You have the freedom to enroll as many people as you wish in your 1st Level, and your network matrix can be any width through Level 8. This means you can earn commissions on everyone’s monthly membership fees and purchases/sales in your matrix.

Our commission structure is designed to reward you at every level:

Level 1: Earn 30% on the purchases of your network matrix.

Levels 1-7: Earn 2.5% on the earnings of your network matrix.

Level 8: Earn an incredible 10% on the earnings of members in your 8th level. This is unprecedented in the world of network marketing!

Maximize Your Earnings Potential:

Level 8 compensation plan is designed to help you achieve financial freedom.

Unlike ALL other network marketing programs, our final level pays the highest percentage on earnings.

Why Level 8?

We could have picked any level, however, after many studies and calculations it was determined that Level 8 was the optimum level for our marketers.

  • Other network marketers may utilize a system that rewards personal efforts at a greater level. This is a J.O.B. disguised as a business opportunity. If you don’t sell, you don’t earn. But, the products you  promote are often overpriced and difficult to sell.
  • Or, the matrix may extend to level 14, or more. This is simply unrealistic as the sheer number of members needed for a substantial income is unattainable. It’s a pipe dream disguised as an opportunity.
  • Lastly, there are Ponzi schemes out there as well. This system relies on membership fees alone. Often the products are inferior or non-existent. Build your network and wait to get rich. This isn’t going to happen, you’ll wind up paying fees and seeing nothing in return.

How are we different?

A very good question, and one that is easy to answer.

  • We are a products driven company where our pricing is budget friendly and our products are exceptionally effective.
  • There is no fee for being an affiliate. The only cost is for the Discount Club, which is minimal ($4).
  • Level 8 stabilizes & maximizes your earnings.
  • You own your position. You may sell, will, or transfer your business, making it a true asset.

Set Realistic Income Goals:

Building a successful business takes time. Be prepared to put in effort to make it valuable.

Unlimited Level Width = Unlimited Potential:

Since level width is unlimited, so is your earning potential. You may continue to enroll new members and expand your network as wide as you wish, ensuring a continuous and stable income stream.

Join Today!

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Join O2 Tropical Magic today and start unlocking your full potential with our unbeatable natural products and  compensation plan. Experience the freedom to work from anywhere, the satisfaction of helping others achieve their health and wellness goals, and the financial rewards that come with being part of a successful network.

Ready to get started? Join now and take the first step towards a brighter, more prosperous future with O2 Tropical Magic!

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